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IWPG Tanzania Branch Holds Completion Ceremony for Women’s Peace Lecturer Training Education


*Expectations for national-level peace education implementation with the registration of the Tanzania Branch

By Our Correspondent, Gazetini

Tanzania Branch of Global region 2 (IWPG, Regional director, Seo-Yeon Lee) announced that it held the Peace Lecturer Training Education (PLTE) graduation ceremony online on the 2nd. The event was interpreted by Lilian Msaki (Chairperson of the Arusha Peace Committee, Representative of the Healthy Africa Region) and attended by a total of about 80 people, including 14 graduates, journalists, members, and staff.

Peace Lecturer Training Education (PLTE) is women’s peace education aimed at establishing sustainable peace in a world stained by war and conflict. It is currently being conducted in various countries around the world, aiming to nurture peace citizens and produce women peace lecturers who can conduct peace education based on the principle of “peace starting from me expands to my family, society, nation, and the world.”

The ceremony started with an opening video followed by speeches from the Regional Director of Global region 2, Seo-yeon Lee, Adela Temu, a peace lecturer, on the topic of “Women’s proactive role in achieving peace,” and the screening of activity videos from the Tanzania branch and congratulatory videos, as well as presentations of impressions by graduates.

Seo-yeon Lee, the regional Director of Global region 2, stated, “The eradication of war and conflict is not through force and fear but through learning and practicing peace. We must continuously research and practice peace education,” and expressed hope for continued efforts in peace education.

Sirilla Francis Mwanisi said, “We are opening a new chapter in our lives for world peace. Let’s not forget what we have learned and strive for peace through change.”

Eva Damian kundy said, “I have learned the importance of peace and how to cultivate peace within myself, and I have learned how to deliver peace to my family, community, and neighbors. I will teach women to lead peace where there is violence and conflict.”

In particular, the IWPG Tanzania branch is officially registered with the government, raising high expectations for the training of women peace leaders within the region, and national-level peace education is anticipated.

In the future, IWPG Global Region 2 will continue to conduct PLTE (Peace Lecturer Training Education) in order to lead to voluntary activities for peace among women worldwide.

Meantime, IWPG is a global women’s NGO registered with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the Department of Global Communications (DGC). Based in Seoul, South Korea, it actively engages in activities such as Women’s Peace Networks, Women’s Peace Education, Peace culture propagation project, and Advocacy for the enactment of the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW), collaborating with over 110 branches worldwide and 660 affiliated organizations.

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